Learn How BombBomb Will Help You Win More Opportunities


  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    This is someone that you had a conversation with, but they haven’t made a buying decision yet or expressed interest for a later date. Make sure to reach out well before the end of their stated timeline.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Use a whiteboard or paper and use the number strategy.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Make sure to start your video with the number of questions you have.


Responsive Lead Follow-Up


“Hi, (name). I have two quick questions for you in this video. Number one, I know you said you were thinking about moving sometime late summer. I just wanted to make sure that timeline is still accurate because there are some things we can do right now to make sure you’re prepared. And number two, I wanted to see if any of your needs have changed since the last time we talked. To respond to this email, hit reply or ‘reply with video’ and you can let me know where you are with your timeline and needs. I hope to talk to you soon (name).”