Learn How BombBomb Will Help You Win More Opportunities


  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Ask a personal question about their plans with the home, or if they made any of the updates they hoped to when purchasing the home.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    The key focus is getting a reply.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Don’t ask for a referral, but it’s a part of your next follow-up.




“Happy anniversary (names). I can’t believe it’s already been (number of years) since you’ve been in the house. I remember (memory of renovation they wanted to do or feature they enjoyed). I would love to hear how you’re doing or see some pictures of what you’ve done with the place. I hope everything is going well, but if you ever need connections to plumbers, painters, or electricians just let me know. Happy anniversary and have a great rest of your day.”